Articles (Selection)


  • Business Guide China 2017
    • Business Guide China - Business Guide China (4th, revised edition, Bundesanzeiger, 2017)

      Erfolg und Rechtssicherheit bei Markteinstieg und Geschäftsaufbau - Success and legal security for market entry and business expansion

      Publishers: Rödl & Partner und Sergey Frank

      "Cultural diffferences, but also legal, fiscal and economic peculiarities of the Chinese market oftentimes impose unpredictable obstacles for foreign businesses. To help you being successful with your China endeavors, we have fully revised the Business Guide China, because it is intented to be a good companion for you and your China business."

      ISBN 978-3-8462-0672-0

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  • Business Guide Türkei
    • Business-Guide Türkei - Business Guide Turkey (Bundesanzeiger, 2014)

      Erfolg und Rechtssicherheit bei Markteinstieg und Geschäftsaufbau - Success and legal security for market entry and business expansion

      Publishers: Sergey Frank, Serhat Kutlan und Martin Woletz

      "Due to the economic reforms of the Turkish government, Turkey is offering a variety of business and investment opportunities and, thus, becoming increasingly attractive as a business location for foreign companies. The Business Guide Turkey is a comprehensive depiction of key issues for successfully doing business in Turkey. From the practical field of legal and business consulting you will be presented recent news and trends, and learn to avoid mistakes when adhering to current tax and legal regulations."

      ISBN 978-3846202142

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  • Business Guide Indien
    • Business-Guide Indien - Business Guide India (2nd, revised edition, Bundesanzeiger, 2014)

      Erfolg und Rechtssicherheit bei Markteinstieg und Geschäftsaufbau - Success and legal security for market entry and business expansion

      Publishers: Sergey Frank und Markus Hoffmann

      "The Business Guide India offers comprehensive advice on business practice, incorporation and sales organisation in India. From the practical field of legal and business consulting you will learn how to follow current tax and legal regulations."

      ISBN 978-3846202104

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  • Handbuch Personalberatung
    • Handbuch der Personalberatung - Handbook of HR Consulting (2nd ed., Vahlen, 2014)

      Konzepte, Prozesse und Visionen - Concepts, Processes and Visions

      Publishers: Michael Heidelberger und Lothar Kornherr
      With an article by Sergey Frank on "Consultancy Goes Global"

      "This second edition of the Handbook for HR Consulting gives you a comprehensive and detailed insight into the world of HR consulting. It shows how modern HR consulting is working and what aspects you should pay attention to when choosing an HR consultant."

      ISBN 978-3800646784

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  • Weltspitze
    • Weltspitze - World Class (Haufe, 2010)

      Erfolgs-Knowhow für internationale Geschäfte - Success know-how for international business

      Author: Sergey Frank

      "Based on concrete examples, this practical guideline shows how to successfully master the different complex challenges of internationalisation. You receive useful information and numerous tried-and-tested tips."

      ISBN 978-3648004609

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  • Internationales Business
    • Internationales Business - International Business (Haufe, 2003)

      Präsentieren, Verhandeln, Business English - Presentations, Negotiations, Business English

      Author: Sergey Frank

      "This book is intended for all those readers who work in international business and who are dealing with international projects, foreign assignments and similar things."

      ISBN 978-3448056501

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